POISE: The Power of Bhujangasana
When we back off a little we have the opportunity to notice if we feel more heart opening in low cobra or upward-facing dog. And in that space we can be more mindful of whether [...]
Butterfly Alchemy: The Transformative Power of Grief
Lucy Grogan, Co-Founder of Lucy's Love Bus It was New Year’s Eve, 2010. It had been three years since her daughter had passed after a long four-year battle with cancer. Despite not feeling [...]
POWER PLAY: Three Tracks to Keep You Company This Week
Music... the universal elixir. It sports the dual powers to both inspire a digging deeper and also usher us into an inner quiet. In our winters and our summers, through shadow and in light we turn [...]
Bring On the Hero Please
Did you have a hero growing up? Did you? I mean a real true kid style hero, like Superman or Wonder Woman…. maybe it was Strawberry Shortcake or Harry Potter. When we were kids [...]
BLISS, You Are Now Entering It
Our goal is to give people that toolbox to help self-care become a lifestyle. "The present... catch it if you can," advised Annie Dillard in her splendid meditation on life, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek (Harper [...]