Poise with Kristin Olson – What We Can Learn From Navasana
Although it’s not a crowd pleaser, navasana truly should get the unsung hero award for all it does to strengthen the body. Navasana, boat pose, is never a fan favorite, which is why when I teach [...]
The Real Flow in Yoga
Pushing things away doesn’t make them disappear though, and the parameters we face are real, whether we think about them or not. If you accept the premise that the only thing you can [...]
Indulge in a Seasonal Adjustment at Wentworth by the Sea
Sigmund Freud reminds us that "being extremely honest with oneself is a good exercise". That honesty can of course assume countless forms - one being recognizing the need for rest and renewal. After summer's full [...]
Nutrition Stripped Now in Print
Dietician and nutritionist McKel Hill shares her "whole lifestyle" approach to wellness and happiness in print with her new book Nutrition Stripped released last week by William Morrow. Based on Ms. Hill’s popular healthful living website, Nutrition Stripped is "the cookbook [...]
Harvest Produce in Your Own Kitchen with Nanofarm
Home-grown produce with none of the work. The nanofarm is made for people who don't have the time or don't have the space for a garden. One of the most exciting advances for kitchens [...]