I’d like to teach the world to dance through life by trusting the process.
Amy Sullivan is back in Boston after an extended chapter on the west coast which included lots of continuing (yoga) education, a stint running a retreat center and a great deal of inquiring in. Amy made her way back east still nursing some chronic injuries from an automobile accident in which she was involved last year. She migrated back seeking the healing comforts of home and also seeking to share the rich experiences she accrued while studying and instructing yoga in California for five years. Now very much on the comeback, her days find her teaching open classes at Down Under Yoga’s various Greater Boston studios and leading her signature yoga workshops.
“What is the best way in to make people feel better?” That’s the question of the day for Amy who began her career in yoga some twenty years ago here in Boston after becoming hooked on Baron Baptiste’s Power Yoga. Over the years she has remained ever curious earning a certification in children’s yoga, completing a 300 hour teacher training under the guidance of Shiva Rea, assisting Natasha Rizopoulos in a more structured/alignment-based type of teaching and also completing studies at Loyola Marymount University’s Yoga Therapy program. Amy brings all aspects of these trainings to her mat when working with her students – calling upon many different disciplines that combine yoga anatomy, ayurvedic principles + the rhythms of nature’s cycles, yoga therapy, mantra, meditation, classical yoga texts… and sometimes Beyonce. The beauty of such a deep resume is that it affords her the currency to both probe and also deliver on those best practices with which to meet her students’ myriad needs.
We caught up with Amy at the end of 2016 jus as she began to ease back into life in the Boston area. We are delighted to welcome her this month as a BOSTON YOGA contributor. Next month, Amy will further share her insights as a member of our roundtable panel discussion at SUPERFLOW on Super Bowl Sunday in Boston. She’s thrilled to be back in the company of David Vendetti (one of the event’s headliners) with whom she earned her 200 hour teacher training at South Boston Yoga.
what does the first hour of your day look like?
Well, I’m not much of a morning person so a snooze or two is definitely on the agenda, followed by my daily practice consisting of breath centered movement, pranayama and meditation. Anywhere from 30-60 minutes. Then when I’m finished with my practice I stay on my mat and plan my sequence(s) for the day. Chai or Matcha tea with breakfast, shower and usually run out the door 5-10 minutes later than I wanted to.
what three things are you never without?
Phone (unfortunately), writing + sequence notebook and little bag of DoTerra essential oils.
how do you currently exhale or unplug?
Meditation, Foot rubs, Netflix and doggie snuggles.
favorite high-powered snack?
think Thin sugar free protein bars.
as you look around the world today, where do you see beauty?
I see beauty in heart shaped things… rocks, leaves, clouds, food. I also think it’s beautiful to come home to my friends and family and I get to be around their children. I love seeing aspects of them growing inside these little beings. It’s amazing to witness.
what one book do you most often give as a gift?
Easy. The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho.
essential ingredient to every day?
Being grateful.
a quote that keeps re-appearing for you in life?
“You were born with potential.
You were born with goodness and trust.
You were born with ideals and dreams.
You were born with greatness.
You were born with wings.
You are not meant for crawling, so don’t.
You have wings.
Learn to use them and fly.”
finish the following sentence? i’d like to teach the world to…
Dance through life by trusting the process.
bliss pose?
Constructive rest pose – hand on belly and hand on heart.
what one thing did you miss most about boston when you were living on the west coast?
Authenticity .
Favorite place to practice (or class) in LA?
Place: Wanderlust. It’s gorgeous.
Teacher: Kia Miller
Keep current with Amy’s teaching schedule through her website. And, follow her on social media on Facebook and on Instagram.

Author Susan Currie is an Associate Editor at LA YOGA magazine. Her words and images have been featured in the Boston Globe, Elephant Journal, Yogi Times, the Tishman Review, the Huffington Post, Spirit of St. Bart’s and on the cover of the book Moving into Meditation (Shambala) by Anne Cushman.
Susan is also the creator of the Daily Inhale and an RYT 200 registered yoga instructor. She unpacks her various professional experiences through the creative and yoga workshops she leads throughout the country. Her new book, GRACENOTES (Shanti Arts 2017), a blend of words and images, is now available in wide release.