Deepening Your Practice: The Gifts of Yoga & Writing
Both yoga and writing are a practice, a salve, and an exploration. A way to connect us more deeply to ourselves, make sense of our human experiences and, in sharing our own voice and [...]
Manchester by the Sea: Film Review
There are some heartbreaks that become impossible to mend. Some hurts impossible to heal. To say that the film Manchester by the Sea explores this theme is only a small part of the emotional complexity [...]
Okay, This Too…
As we learned from the events of this past week, we get what we get... and, oftentimes it's not what we want. In his weekly (Insight Meditation Communtiy of Berkeley) dharma talk, Awakening Joy (Parallax Press, 2012) [...]
Power Play – Three Tracks to Keep You Company This Week
Music... the universal elixir. It sports the dual powers to both inspire a digging deeper and also usher us into an inner quiet. In our winters and our summers, through shadow and in light we turn to [...]
Claiming It… In the Kitchen at Harvest with Tyler Kinnett
Harvard Square is peppered with its share of rich traditions, academic and otherwise. Among its many institutions sits Harvest, one of the Greater Boston area's long celebrated restaurants. As it basks in the light of its fourth [...]